The Alchemist book summary and review - Book Educate

The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho which follows the journey of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who is able to find a treasure beyond his wildest dreams.

Along the way, he learns to listen to his heart and, more importantly, realizes that his dreams, or his Personal Legend, areas not just his but part of the Soul of the Universe.

Santiago is a humble shepherd whose desires are few-he wants to be free to roam with his sheep,have some wine in his wineskin and a book in his bag.

Every time he sleeps under a sycamore tree growing among the ruins of the church, he has a dream. During the dream, a boy tells him to look for treasure under the Egyptian pyramids.He describes his dreams to a gypsy who analyzes dreams. So, on the advice of the gypsy, Santiago goes to Africa in search of treasure.

When Santiago meets Melchizedek,a strange wise man who claims he is a king from a far-off land, he decided to seek his treasure.The next day , Santiago sells his sheep and embarks to Africa to pursue his dream.

Upon arriving in Africa through , it becomes apparent that things will not be as easy as he thought.The first day Santiago is in Tangiers , he is robbed and left complet alone , unable to speak a single Word of Arabic.

first Santiago contemplates giving up and turning around.He remembers the words of the wise man , though and decides to carry on  getting a job at a local crystal shop.After working at the crystal shop for a year,learning much about life and about his Personal Legend.

Santiago earns enough money to buy a new flock of sheep and return home.At the last minute though , Santiago decides to risk it all and join a caravan to Egypt.

Once in the caravan ,Santiago meets an Englishman who has come all the way to Africa to seek a renowned alchemist.they travel through the desert , the Englishman tells Santiago about the secrets of alchemy.

Santiago finds the Englishman's ideas to be very similar to Melchizedek.They both speak of a Soul of the World to which we are all connected and of the necessity of following our heart's true desires or our Personal Legend.

Santiago however , prefers to learn these secrets by observing the world,while the Englishman prefers to learn from complex books .While they travel , they begin rumors of a coming tribal war.

When they finally arrive at the Al - Fayoum oasis - home of the titular Alchemist - Santiago meets a beautiful girl named Fatima with whom he immediately falls in love .He discovers that love like the Personal Legend comes directly from the Soul of the World.

While walking in the desert , Santiago has a vision of an upcoming battle.He rushes back to warn the elders at the oasis and when his vision is confirmed , they offer him a position as a counselor.

Santiago consider staying at the oasis with Fatima , but the Alchemist finds Santiago and tells him that he will lead Santiago to his treasure.

Once again on the move , the Alchemist teach Santiago to listen to his heart .Hearts can be treacherous ,but the best way to keep them from fooling you intently.

Almost to the pyramids , Santiago and the Alchemist are taken prisoner by a warring tribe .The Alchemist tells the tribesmen that Santiago is a powerful magician who can turn himself into the wind .

The tribesmen are impressed and will spare the lives of theirs if Santiago can do it.The only problem is that Santiago has no idea what he is doing.After three days of meditating ,Santiago uses his knowledge of the Soul of the World to ask the elements to help him.

First he asks the desert , then he asks the wind ,then he asks the sun and , finally he asks the Soul of the World.Immediately , the wind whips up , and Santiago disappears and reappears on the other side of the camp.

The Alchemist takes his leave of Santiago , who continues on to the Pyramids .Once there , Santiago is attacked by robbers Asked what he is doing there , Santiago replies that he had a dream of a treasure buried at the base of the Pyramids.

One of the robbers laugh at him , and says that he has had the exact same dream ,except that in his the treasure was buried in Spain.Santiago realizes the treasure was back in Spain the entire time.

The story then jumps forward in time and finds Santiago digging a hole at the base of the tree where he had had his first dream.Sure enough , he finds a trunk full of gold - enough for him and Fatima to live happily for a long time.

The main theme of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is the importance of following one's dreams .

This idea is expressed through the story of Santiago , a shepherd boy who embarks on an epic journey to find his Personal Legend .

 By pursuing his dream , Santiago learns important lessons about courage , trust , perseverance , and fate . Through Santiago's journey , Coelho encourages readers to pursue their own dreams and discover the strength that lies within them .

Famous Quotes

" When you want something , all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it . "

 " It is not just about money , it is about gaining wisdom and understanding "

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”

 " The darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn "

About the Author- Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho ( born August 24 1947 ) is an internationally bestselling Brazilian author . A versatile writer , he has written novels , collections of short stories , children's books , inspirational works and self - help books .

He is best known for his The Alchemist which was published in more than 80 languages and sold over 150 million copies worldwide . The novel is the most translated book the world by a living author .

He has been awarded various international honors including France's Legion d'Honneur , the Crystal Award by the World Economic Forum , and he was made a Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Minister of Culture .

Other Books of Paulo Coelho- The Devil and Miss Prym, The Witch of Portobello,The Pilgrimage,  Veronika Decides to Die.

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